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CHiTra Mela V

Research and Pedagogy on South Asia and Global Hindu Traditions (CHiTra Mela V) February 10-12th 2023  Hosted by the Center for the Study of Hindu Traditions (CHiTra) at the University of Florida. We are grateful for the generous support from the Office of the Vice President of Research, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, […]

Consuming Bhakti: Dilemmas in Devotion in Indian Poetry – Names of Participants, Titles of Presentations, and Brief Biographies

The Center for the Study of Hindu Traditions (CHiTra) at the University of Florida is hosting a series of four zoom talks on Consuming Bhakti: Dilemmas in Devotion in Indian Poetry.   The series is cosponsored by the Department of Religion.  The talks will be every Friday in May at 10:30 am Eastern Time.  The same […]

CHiTra Mela IV – Names of Participants, Titles of Presentations, and Brief Biographies

Research and Pedagogy on South Asia and Global Hindu Traditions CHiTra Mela IV, February 14-16, 2020 Organizer: Vasudha Narayanan (Distinguished Professor); Co-organizers: Venu Mehta and Carol Rodriguez (Graduate Students), Religion   Chris Ballengee (Anne Arundel Community College, PhD, Ethnomusicology 2013, University of Florida) Sweet Tassa: A documentary film about music, politics, and belonging in Trinidad […]

CHiTra Mela II

The Center for the Study of Hindu Traditions (CHiTra), The Department of Religion, and the Office of the Vice-President for Research at the University of Florida present: CHiTra Mela II Research and Pedagogy in South Asia and Global Hindu Traditions: A Symposium for Faculty and Graduate Students in Florida February 10, 2018 9:00AM-6:30PM February 11, […]