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Expanding the Notion of ‘Theism:’ An Interreligious Theological Analysis of Yoga and Bhakti Conceptions

A seminar for graduate students & faculty with Graham Schweig (Professor, Christopher Newport University). Scholars of Indology in the earlier part of the twentieth century sought to understand conceptions and expressions of theism within Hindu traditions. For example, coming from Abrahamic backgrounds and perhaps even motivated by Christian missiological purposes, scholars' works, such as Carpenter's

Hindu Theology as Churning the Ocean of Milk

A seminar for graduate students & faculty with Jonathan Edelmann (Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University). Jonathan Edelmann received his Ph.D. from Oxford University in 2008. His research focuses on North Indian Hindu devotional traditions and the intersection of Hinduism and the natural sciences.  He was a 2009-2011 Luce Summer Fellow with the American Academy of